Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Graduated!

After 4 and a half years in my doctoral program for special education, I finally graduated on Saturday. It was a great weekend filled with friends and family. My parents came from Maine and Bill's family came from Pennsylvania. The only one missing was my brother Jason, but being the he lives in Japan, I think its ok he wasn't there :). It was a beautiful day (it was supposed to rain and ended up being 80 degrees and sunny) and the ceremony was very meaningful. Instead of reading our names and herding us through a line like cattle like most graduation ceremonies, they took the time to read a statement that our advisors wrote about us as we were being hooded. It was really nice. I am still in shock that I am finally done. After 4 and a half years or a doctoral program and 10 1/2 years of college education (undergrad-doctorate, thankfully not consecutively), I don't quite know what to do with myself not being in school. I'm sure I will figure it out soon though. One thing I do know. The doctoral program was one of the toughest challenges I have encountered so if I can do that, I can take on pretty much anything a future job could throw at me. Now if only I could find a job! I want to thank my family and Bill for encouraging me and believing in me. I couldn't have done it without you. I haven't downloaded the pictures on my computer yet so check out the hubby's blog to see them. 

1 comment:

Bill said...

You did great, babe! Always knew you would get there!