Friday, October 22, 2010

I Never Write in My Blog Anymore

Things that have happened since I have last written:

*I got a job with Matthew's Center
*I got pregnant
*I bought a Prius
*We got Willie Dog a sweet old beagle from the pound
*I discovered I hated my job at Matthew's Center
*I lost my job at Matthew's Center
*We had a baby girl! Addison Brooklyn Kenney was born on 4/27/10. She was 5 lbs 15 oz and 17 1/2 inches. She is beautiful! She is almost 6 months old now and so smart!
*Since I didn't have a job anymore I got to experience being a stay at home mom. I am really grateful for the time I got to spend with Addie in the first 6 months of her life.
*We moved back to PA. We live in Lansdale now and love it. We missed PA lots and are so happy to be back, although we do miss our VA friends.
*We had to give away Willie Dog because we couldn't have him in our new apartment. I still miss him terribly and hope he is happy with his new family.
*I just got a new job. On November 1st I start as the Director of the Logan/Olney preschool in Philadelphia. It is a preschool for children with disabilities.

I think that is about it. It has been an interesting year. I will try to write in my blog more but I doubt that it will actually happen since I am now a working mom!

1 comment:

Ian O'hEnas said...

Virginia Family is having serious Addie-Withdrawl symptoms - leading to train-spotting-esque events!!!