Friday, August 29, 2008

Barack Obama Rocks!

Hi all. As I have said before, I am not a very political person but because it is an election year and the week of the Democratic National Convention, I have become more interested in politics. Living with an amateur political analyst doesn't hurt either. Some background on my political affiliation: I am a registered Democrat currently, but not by choice. Most of my views align with Democratic Party views but I have always registered as an Independent because I like to believe I can think for myself and vote on issues/candidates based on my opinion and not the opinion of a political party (party line voters are the worst form of evil- no matter the party). When I moved to Pennsylvania, I had to register as either a Democrat or a Republican to be eligible to vote in the primary. I chose the party that, in my opinion, was the lesser of two evils at this point in history. That being said, let me tell you why I think Barack Obama rocks! This is the first political convention I have ever paid any attention to because I am so captivated by Barack. He truly inspires me with his ideals and visions for this country. His speech tonight got me a little teary-eyed at points because I felt like he was talking about me and Bill- regular people who are struggling financially but striving to make our lives better for ourselves and any children we may (or may not) have. Regular people who are are racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans (me) and working 60 + hours a week without health insurance (Bill). For the first time I can recall, I feel like there is a politician who is on my side and will work for me and not CEOs and lobbiests. I feel proud of my country tonight for nominating such a great man. Hopefully, we will see him in the White House in January. If not, you can find me hiding under a rock for the next four years, or until McCain kicks the bucket, whatever happens first :)


Bill said...
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Bill said...

Very well said baby. You nailed all the reasons people should vote for Obama in November.

Unknown said...

YES He DOES!!! I may want to move to Canada even more and even ignoring the cold if the 'Publicans win! I don't think that they have anyone that would be worth anything...