Can I just say that I'm hating Pennsylvania right now? Or at least the people who voted in the democratic primary. I have to say that I like living in PA better than Northern Virginia. Its quieter and overall just a better quality of life. I could do without the rednecks but my theory on that is that I don't bother them and they don't bother me. But today the rednecks have pissed me off. I am not a very political person so you will not catch me writing very much on politics but I'm mad as hell right now. The only reason Hillary Clinton is winning this state is because of the gun totting rednecks in this state who would never vote for a black man. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that everyone who voted for Hillary is a gun totting, racist red neck. My husband Bill voted for Hillary. However, Bill has educated himself on the issues and honestly feels that Hillary would make the best president. For people like that, more power to you. Vote for Hillary all day, I don't care. However, 99% of the people who voted today have not educated themselves and voted for Hillary because: a) Hillary has touted herself as pro-gun in the past couple of weeks, or b) because they will not vote for a black man, or c) all of the above. I have no tolerance for that type of voter. I also totally agree with Barack's comments about people being bitter and clinging to guns and religion but I'd probably be run out of the state if anyone heard that! Also, I want to send out a very special "What the fuck?" to all the voters in Scranton with the exception of my sisters-in-law who have educated themselves on the issues. Voting for someone just because they claim they are "from" Scranton when in reality they just spent a month a year there is just pathetic.